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Kant's idea of the immortality of the soul within the German debate of the time

The talk focuses on the role of the proofs of the immortality of the soul in Kant's philosophy, from the writings of the so called pre-critical period to the rethinking of such a metaphysical issue in the first Critique. Kant's attempt to find his own way in dealing with the immortality of the soul is considered within the general frame of the struggle against psychological materialism, which takes place in Germany from the first decades of the 18th century. Kant's refutation of the material soul - still meant, at the beginning, as the very premise of any proof of its immortality - offers a good perspective on the development of Kant's reflection on rational psychology from an early general accordance with the main topics of the traditional metaphysic up to the their definitive dismissal on the basis of the transcendental idealism of the first Critique. His lectures on metaphysics allow to follow the different solutions Kant worked out in order to solve this central philosophical topic. The shift from the "obscure reasons" pointed out in the Dreams, that allow a refutation of the materiality of the soul on moral grounds, to the statement of the meaninglessness of the question in a transcendental perspective reveals that the attempt to find a solution to the problem of immortality outside the traditional boundaries of metaphysics represents a never-ending challenge within Kant's reflection.

Paola Rumore (Kurzbiographie)

Associate Professor für Geschichte der neuzeitlichen Philosophie am Philosophischen Institut der Universität Turin. Frau Rumore studierte Philosophie von 1995 bis 2000 in Genua und Turin. 2006 promovierte sie am Philosophischen Institut der Universität Turin. Seit 2008 ist sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am selben Institut. 2013 erfolgte die Habilitation und 2015 hat sie eine Professur in Turin angetreten.
Aus ihrer Publikationsliste beachte insbesondere folgende Veröffentlichungen mit der zu der Vortragsreihe verwandten Thematik: —(2015): "Meiers Theorie der Unsterblichkeit der Seele im zeitgenössischen Kontext", in: Georg Friedrich Meier (1718-1777). Philosophie als "wahre Weltweisheit", hg. von G. Stiening u.a., Berlin, 163-186; —(2014): "Kant's understanding of the Enlightenment with reference to his Refutation of Materialism", in: Con-Textos Kantianos 1, 80-95; —(2013): Materia cogitans. L'Aufklärung di fronte al materialismo, Hildesheim ["Europaea Memoria", I.94]; oder —(2007): 'L'ordine delle idee. La genesi del concetto di 'rappresentazione' in Kant attraverso le sue fonti wolffiane (1747-1787), con una Prefazione di Norbert Hinske, Firenze, Le Lettere. [Weitere Informationen.]

Kontakt: Sekretariat


Ingeborg Röllig

Institut für Philosophie

Heinrichstraße 33/EG, 8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 2295

Mo - Fr 9.00-12.00 Uhr

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