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Prolegomena for a Future Philosophy of Self-Knowledge: A Kantian Strategy

In the past few years, philosophical debate about self-knowledge has presented itself in a strikingly "pre-Kantian" manner. Some claimed that all sort of self-knowledge can be analyzed in the manner of the empiricists, or in terms of cognitive psychology, to use a more contemporary label, whereas, on the other hand, defenders of rationalism have not become tired to voice the notion of there being some sort of self-knowledge which must be there, underlying as it were all sorts of epistemic self-concern. It is against this background that, in my paper, I advocate what I would call a Kantian strategy to approach self-knowledge. This might not only help to settle some of the disputes, but it will also allow discussing in what sense certain instances of self-knowledge constitute an epistemic achievement.

Ursula Renz (Kurzbiographie)

Ursula Renz promovierte und habilitierte in Zürich (2000 und 2007). Sie ist Professorin für Philosophie an der Universität Klagenfurt, wo sie sowohl theoretische Philosophie (Epistemologie, Metaphysik und analytische Philosophie) als auch Philosophie der Frühen Neuzeit unterrichtet. Sie hat intensiv über die Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit (Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Shaftesbury), Kant, den Neukantianismus der Marburger-Schule (Cohen, Natorp, Cassirer) und über Gefühle, Selbsterkenntnis und das Problem des epistemischen Vertrauens publiziert. [Weitere Informationen.]

Kontakt: Sekretariat


Ingeborg Röllig

Institut für Philosophie

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Telefon:+43 316 380 - 2295

Mo - Fr 9.00-12.00 Uhr

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